DP-Pumps ready to meet future energy requirements
11 december 2014
In 2015 the European Union takes the next step towards a better future. From then on the new, stricter minimum efficiency values of the ErP regulations will become effective for pumps and motors. All DP water pumps are ready for this next step.
The design of our current generation pumps, launched in 2013, makes that many are even one step ahead and exceed the maximum future values stated in the norm.
ErP stands for Energy-related Products. Since 2007 the ErP Directive has been regulating the use of products with high energy requirements – and a high savings potential. It was imposed with the aim of establishing a legal framework for reducing the energy consumption of such products.
About the regulation
More energy efficiency by 2020
Until 2020, the requirements for the efficiency of energy-consuming products will gradually become stricter – until the 20/20/20 targets have been achieved.
This means:
- 20 per cent fewer greenhouse gases
- 20 per cent more renewable energies
- 20 per cent less energy consumption
Since 2013, only products that meet the minimum requirements of the ErP regulations have been allowed to be placed on the market.
These include:
- Circulators
- Standardised water pumps
- Electric motors (regulation in force since 2011)
Minimum requirements of the ErP regulations for water pumps
The ErP regulations stipulate the minimum energy-efficiency levels pumps and motors must meet. From January 2015 the minimum efficiency index (MEI) for standardised water pumps is ≥ 0.4. The MEI specifies how many pumps are of inferior efficiency: An MEI of 0.4 means that 40 per cent of the pumps available on the market has an of inferior energy efficiency.
DP High-efficiency products exceed the ErP requirements becoming effective in 2015
DP-Pumps more than satisfies the strict requirements stipulated by the ErP regulations. The standardised water pumps already exceed the 2015 ErP requirements. And with an MEI ≥ 0.7 rather than the required ≥ 0.4 some DP's standardised water pumps fall in the category of "most efficient water pumps".Minimum requirements of the ErP regulations for electric motors
From January 1st 2015 all electric motors from 7,5 kW up to 375 kW that are delivered within the European Union (EU) need to comply with efficiency class IE3 according "EU regulation 640/2009 (and supplement 04/2014)". In the above mentioned kW range and area, IE2 motors can only be used when driven via a frequency inverter. DP-Pumps will deliver their products according to these requirements.