We celebrate our 65th anniversary!
15 juli 2020
We celebrate our 65th anniversary!
When Mr. Duijvelaar registered his company on 1 July 1955 with the Chamber of Commerce in The Hague in the Netherlands, he never could have imagined that 65 years later his one-man-trading company would be a leading designer and manufacturer of pumps and pump systems. Neither would he have imagined that products with his brand name would be exported to over 100 countries worldwide.
Much has changed in 65 years, but true workmanship and pragmatism will always remain the solid foundation of our company. It has made us who we are today and will always lead us in the future.
In 2020 we celebrate 65 years of workmanship! Of all developments from 1955 till today, we created a nice overview. You can read it here:
How well do you know us?
Now that we are celebrating our 65th anniversary, we are looking back in time…
In our archives we found all sorts of photos and anecdotes about our company.
How well do you know us? Do you know to which country/countries we supplied our first DP-Pump, the DPN?
The answer:
The first DPN pumps were delivered to:
- Al Sagar in Dubai
- Asiatic Engineering in Singapore
- Su Yon trading in Hong Kong
The first DPN pumps as units were delivered in Belgium